Video series on preparing for retirement
This is the first post in a short video series covering everything you need to know to start preparing for retirement!
Representative heuristic
Representativeness heuristic refers to the fact that we stereotype. It’s a mental shortcut. But beware of making unfounded comparisons.
risk and uncertainty in economics
Risk and uncertainty will always surround us. Gambler's Fallacy, the hot-hand effect, the law of small numbers & ambiguity aversion are just some of the biases that arise because of it.
Availability effect definition
Availability bias and survivorship bias influence our decision-making. We make decisions based on the information available to us.
Primacy and recency effects
The order of information influences your decisions. First impressions matter! It's all got to do with primacy and recency effects.
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About the Author

I am passionate about helping people understand their behaviour with money and gently nudging them to spend less and save more. I have several academic journal publications on investor behaviour, financial literacy and personal finance, and perfectly understand the biases that influence how we manage our money. This blog is where I break down those ideas and share my thinking. I’ll try to cover relevant topics that my readers bring to my attention. Please read, share, and comment. That’s how we spread knowledge and help both ourselves and others to become in control of our financial situations.

Dr Gizelle Willows

Dr Gizelle Willows


PhD and NRF-rating in Behavioural Finance